티스토리 뷰

momoland nancy's covid-19 test result?!? no way!

Momoland Nancy was tested for covid-19.

She thought she had been in the boundary of

a covid-19 patient.

So Momoland canceled the new album schedules,

and was waiting Nancy's covid-19 test result.

Nancy? self-quarantine for a while.

In this picture above

Momoland's agency, MLD ENTERTAINMENT


"Nancy was in contact with a corona virus patient.

so from corona virus test to result,

nancy self-quarantine. Thank you."

But yesterday(on Sunday)

Nancy's covid-19 test result came out!

Result is negative!!

so Momoland will resume the new album

schedule soon.

Very good!! Thank god!!!

It turns out that Nancy was NOT

in contact with covid-19 patient,

not in his boundary.

So Momoland fans.

Don't worry about her.

Thank you.

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